Monday, December 17, 2012

Can Oral Health Affect Dementia?

Drs Cooley in Bellevue WA are your dental health experts
Maintain Your Health With A Healthy Mouth

Dental researchers have determined a relationship between oral health habits and dementia. According to a University of California study, oral health habits may affect whether a person develops dementia later in life. Researchers measured oral health habits of residents of a Laguna Hills, CA retirement community between 1992 and 2010. They followed 5,468 adults with no previous diagnosis of dementia age and a median age of 81 and determined that participants who reported brushing their teeth less than once per day had up to a 65 percent greater risk of developing dementia than those who brushed three times daily. 

At Cooley Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we strongly encourage all of our patients to visit twice a year for a professional cleaning and exam by the doctor. This ensures that gum disease and dental decay are kept in check and your mouth maintains a healthy environment for a healthy body. For our patients with periodontal disease, Dr. Aaron and Dr. Brandon Cooley may recommend more frequent visits to treat the higher counts of bacteria and control your dental disease. To schedule your new patient or regular checkup with your Bellevue, WA dentists, call us at (425) 998-6998 for your appointment!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sleep Apnea - Medical Study linked to decreased sexual performance

There was a recent release of a new medical study, linking sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction and/or decreased sexual performance. In this study conducted at the Walter Reed Military National Medical Center in Bethesda, ninety-two men with an average age of 46 were observed. All of the members of the group were diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), treated, and followed for six months.

The results concluded that after being treated for sleep apnea over a period of time, erectile dysfunction was eliminated in about forty percent of those who initially reported it. Others with a reduced to normal libido also experienced a boost in sexual performance. Overall, sexual function and satisfaction were improved in the majority of non-diabetic men in the study, regardless of their level of initial erectile dysfunction.

OSA is a sleep related breathing disorder that occurs when the tissue in the back of the throat collapses and blocks the airway, causing the body to stop breathing during sleep. In addition to being linked with decreased sexual performance, OSA can increase the risk of stroke, hypertension, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attack. It can also significantly decrease the survival rate of cancer patients with untreated sleep apnea. Read More...

To learn more about sleep apnea, and dental devices that can treat OSA, visit the Cooley Smiles website, or call us to make your appointment today!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Season of Thankfulness

As we approach Thanksgiving and live in this season of thankfulness, we want to send our thanks and appreciation to our patients and community. Without your patronage and service, we would not exist! Dr. Brandon and Aaron Cooley, and the staff of Cooley Smiles strive for meeting your individual needs; not seeing people in terms of their teeth, but treating the whole person and helping them on a road to longer living in a healthy way.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday - to you and yours!

The Staff of Cooley Smiles Family, Cosmetic, and Sleep Apnea Dentistry

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Diabetes and Sleep Apnea

Since November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, we felt it was important to share another common companion of diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea. At Cooley Smiles Family Dentistry, we treat quite a number of patients with sleep apnea and provide dental devices and other therapies to help our patients with this common ailment.

As we have learned, obstructive sleep apnea is not a solitary ailment. It has a number of companion diseases (call comorbidities by experts) that vary in frequency among OSA patients. One such comorbidity is type 2 diabetes (the physiological inability to process sugar). In type 2 diabetes, production of insulin continues but the body's ability to utilize it is damaged. According to Naresh Punjabi, MD, type 2 diabetes occurs among 30 - 50 percent of OSA patients while 70 to 80 percent of type 2 diabetes patients also have OSA.

Read more about OSA and Diabetes here, and for more information about sleep apnea, visit our website.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Since people with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing some oral health problems, this is a good reminder of the importance of staying. Some of the common oral health problems associated with diabetes are: gum disease, fungal infections, infections and delayed healing. Periodontal (gum disease) is no laughing matter; it's also connected to heart disease and other health-related issues.

Our friends at tell us:

Diabetic patients are more likely to develop periodontal disease, which in turn can increase blood sugar and diabetic complications.

People with diabetes are more likely to have periodontal disease than people without diabetes, probably because people with diabetes are more susceptible to contracting infections. In fact, periodontal disease is often considered a complication of diabetes. Those people who don't have their diabetes under control are especially at risk.

Research has suggested that the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes goes both ways - periodontal disease may make it more difficult for people who have diabetes to control their blood sugar.

Severe periodontal disease can increase blood sugar, contributing to increased periods of time when the body functions with a high blood sugar. This puts people with diabetes at increased risk for diabetic complications

For more information and to watch a video on how diabetes can impact your oral health, visit the
MouthHealthy A-Z page on Diabetes.

Ready to learn more and schedule your appointment?
We are accepting new patients, and both of our doctors at Cooley Smiles Family Dentistry in Bellevue, WA have experience in treating patients with gum disease. Give us a call today at (425) 998-6998 or visit our website for more information!

Friday, October 26, 2012

What To Do in a Dental Emergency

Accidents happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. There are many common dental emergencies and learning how to deal with them is important. For all dental emergencies, it’s important to visit your dentist as soon as possible. Most dentists, like Drs Aaron and Brandon Cooley at Cooley Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, reserve time in their daily schedules for emergency patients so be sure to call your dentist and provide as much detail as you can about your condition. If the accident occurs when your dental office is not open, visit your local emergency room, but be sure to keep excellent notes so that the dentist the ER refers you to can appropriately bill your insurance.

At Cooley Smiles, serving patients in Bellevue, WA and the surrounding areas, we always reserve time for emergency patients and welcome your call. Remember that the best prevention against a dental emergency is having a regular dental home that you seek preventive care with. A little bit of prevention can go a long way! Contact us today to learn more about the services our dentists provide to the Bellevue, WA and Seattle, WA community.

To learn more about what to do in case of an emergency, visit

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What is the LVI Difference?


When you are considering cosmetic dental procedures, you want to make sure your dentist has devoted time to his education. Equally important, you want to make sure that your dentist has received training from an institution that is internationally known for only accepting the best and brightest in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies LVI has long been considered the premier school for training in cosmetic dentistry. The dental institute is the largest and most respected post-graduate dentist education facility in the world. Throughout the years, LVI's intensive, thorough curriculum and high standards of quality have enabled their graduates to distinguish themselves as being among the most highly regarded cosmetic dentists in the field.

Most dental schools do not provide training in advanced cosmetic dental procedures, necessitating an institute like LVI to ensure these procedures are given as much attention as general dental studies. Going beyond the simple procedures, LVI trains its graduates in helping patients achieve aesthetically beautiful results. Highly individualized treatment plans and using the most advanced technology available are some of the core tenets of the LVI philosophy.
What this means for you...
Seattle cosmetic dentists Dr. Aaron Cooley and Dr. Brandon Cooley have both completed their dental training at LVI. The difficult and demanding courses offered at LVI provided them with extensive knowledge of the latest trends and procedures available through cosmetic dentistry, and they have continued to take additional continuing education courses to ensure they remain on top of all the latest advances in the field.

If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Bellevue or Seattle, Washington, please contact the LVI trained dentists at Cooley Smiles today to schedule your initial consultation

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What Is Sleep Apnea?

We've shared several articles on our blog regarding sleep apnea; the treatments, and the dangers. We even hear about sleep apnea on the news and in commercials. But what is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition in which insufficient air reaches the lungs during sleep. In most cases, sleep apnea results because a person’s tongue is blocking the flow of air. This can cause blood oxygen levels to drop, causing sufferers to snort or choke awake. Sleep apnea can interrupt daily life by causing excessive daytime sleepiness, and it can also cause cardiovascular problems, so ask your dentist to prescribe an oral appliance if you believe you are suffering from sleep apnea.
  • Keeps Your Airway Open
Most sleep apnea sufferers sleep on their backs. In this position, the tongue rests on the back of the throat, restricting air flow. An oral appliance, which is similar to a night guard, keeps the tongue from relaxing and blocking the flow of oxygen. 
  • Provides a Cost-Effective Solution
There are a variety of oral surgeries available that can help resolve sleep apnea. However, you can easily avoid undergoing costly oral surgery while still getting relief by using an oral appliance. This affordable device can halt snoring, poor sleep quality, and other sleep apnea symptoms.
  • Prevents Sleep Interruptions
Sleep apnea can lead to major health side effects, such as heart problems, depression, and memory loss. Sleep apnea sufferers easily tire, have a hard time focusing on work or school, and often feel irritable. Using an oral appliance while you sleep can ensure that you get a full night’s rest so that you can have easier, happier days. You’ll stop tossing and turning, waking up your partner, and constantly feeling exhausted.

If you’re tired of living with sleep apnea, contact Cooleysmiles today. We can provide the oral appliances needed to help you get a better night’s sleep. Our doctors also offer dental treatments and services for the whole family, including preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dental care. To learn more, call us at (425) 747-7000.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Carb Craving Linked to Sleep Apnea

At Cooley Smiles Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Bellevue, WA, we believe in offering our patients the very best and latest in information for their overall health. In June we shared information via our sleep apnea newsletter about a recent study that has linked sleep apnea with an increase in carbohydrate craving. Unsure whether sleep apnea is affecting your life? We can help - so call us today!

June 13, 2012 in Sleep apnea

Researchers in New Jersey are encouraging primary care physicians to screen for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in patients with Type 2 diabetes. They found that in a small sample of clinic patients, the risk for sleep apnea was high among diabetics compared with non-diabetics, and that sleep apnea appeared to be associated with carbohydrate craving.

Their study, being presented today at SLEEP 2012, screened 55 patients for diabetes, OSA and carbohydrate cravings. More than half of the patients were diabetic. Among the diabetic patients, the prevalence of OSA was 82 percent, and diabetics had almost double the risk of carbohydrate craving than non-diabetics. In addition, researchers found that patients with OSA were almost twice more likely to have carbohydrate craving than patients without sleep apnea.

"This study provides an indication of the magnitude of the associated risk between sleep apnea and self-reported carbohydrate craving in the diabetic population," said study co-investigator Mahmood Siddique, DO, clinical associate professor of medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Brunswick, N.J.

"Previous studies have shown that sleep deprivation may lead to changes in hormones that regulate appetite and hunger," Siddique said. "These hormonal changes can lead to significant craving for high-calorie carbohydrates such as cookies, candy, breads, rice and potatoes. The current study supports previous findings by validating this in a community sample of diabetics."

The study, conducted by the Sleep and Wellness Medical Associates LLC, is one of the first cross-sectional clinic-based studies to show an association between OSA and self-reported carbohydrate craving among patients with Type 2 diabetes.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ideal Solutions for Missing Teeth

When you are missing a tooth, the neighboring teeth may begin to shift in order to fill in the gap. You may also notice a loss of chewing ability as your mouth adjusts pressure, placing a heavy burden on the rest of your teeth. Missing teeth can impact your ability to speak clearly and may also cause your jaw to collapse, resulting in additional functional and aesthetic concerns.

Dental implants offer an ideal solution for missing teeth. Secured directly into your jaw, they work to prevent jaw collapse. Using the highest quality porcelain crowns, we are able to match the color, shape, and size of your false tooth exactly with the natural teeth in your mouth. In this way, functionality is restored and cosmetic imperfections are alleviated, leaving you with a seamless, beautiful smile.
Thanks to modern dental technology, the dental implant process today is safer, more efficient, and more reliable than ever. Dental implants have a 95% success rate, and the dental crown restorations used by our Bellevue and Seattle, WA implant dentists Dr. Aaron and Dr. Brandon are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth. Since implants are bonded to your living bone – a process called osseointegration – they are also highly durable and functional, becoming a natural part of your smile.

It takes anywhere from 3-6 months for dental implants to anchor themselves to your jaw bone and heal. Once an implant is installed, the final crown restoration will be placed, and you can enjoy a new smile that not only looks and feels great, but protects your mouth from the many dental problems caused by missing teeth.

Are you ready to explore the benefits of dental implants? Cooley Smiles Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Bellevue, WA is here to help you!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sleep Dentistry - Anxiety Free Dental Treatment

It is estimated that 15% of Americans suffer from dental phobias. Unfortunately, these dental phobias can not only keep you from receiving the general dental care necessary to keep your mouth clean and healthy, but the cosmetic dental procedures you desire to give you the smile of your dreams.

Bellevue, WA sedation dentists Dr. Aaron Cooley and Dr. Brandon Cooley understand how frightening a visit to the dentist can be. Starting with a comforting and inviting office, we strive to make your entire dental experience anxiety-free and pleasant. For patients who cannot overcome their dental phobias, we are pleased to offer sedation dentistry.

Sedation dentistry employs a variety of techniques to place you in a more relaxed state while you receive your dental treatments. At Cooley Smiles, we offer several types of sedation to match your unique individual needs. In this way, proper dental care and advanced cosmetic procedures can be made available to everyone.

Types of Sedation
Dr. Aaron and Dr. Brandon offer the following types of sedation:
Nitrous Oxide Sedation – Nitrous oxide is one of the most common forms of sedation. It allows you to be comfortable and relaxed while remaining responsive. Our dentists generally choose this form of mild sedation for patients who do not suffer from severe dental phobias.
Oral sedation – Oral sedation is a popular choice for patients with moderate to severe dental phobias. With this method, you will be given a pill to take about an hour prior to your procedure. Once the medication is completely in your system, you will feel complete relaxation, and you may even fall asleep.

Our compassionate dentists will work closely with you to ensure the method and dosage most suited to your needs is chosen. We strongly believe that everyone deserves proper dental care and a chance at achieving the smile they have always desired. Please contact us if you have questions about how sedation dentistry can help you!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sleep and Your Mental Health

Sleeping for Sanity

 Source: Summarized from an article by By Morgan Jones
At Cooley Smiles Cosmetic & Family Dentistry in Bellevue, WA, we take pride in staying on the cutting age of treatments, including those for sleep apnea. Recent studies have shown that many Americans are finding it harder and harder to get a decent amount of sleep. Why? Studies have pointed to physical issues,  (obstructive sleep apnea), and mental health issues, (stress and depression).
It's been proven that losing weight can greatly improve symptoms of sleep apnea. But what about treating mental health issues? In a question similar to the "chicken versus the egg" conundrum, could sleep problems traditionally thought to be symptoms of mental disorders actually be the cause of the mental disorders? Could treating sleep disorders help heal mental health problems?
Sleep Basics
It’s obvious that our bodies and minds want and need sleep, but what exactly is happening when we start snoozing? According to the Harvard Medical School, there are two main categories of sleep, each with its own important functions.

During rapid eye movement, or REM sleep, heart rate and breathing return to levels comparable to those seen when awake. At the same time, our bodies become paralyzed, ensuring that we don’t act out our dreams. This period of dreaming has been shown to contribute to emotional well-being, memory and learning ability, though the manner of connection is not yet entirely understood.When in “quiet,” or non-REM sleep cycles, heart rate and body temperature decrease and breathing slows and becomes regular. In this stage the immune system is bolstered and strengthened.
Sleeping builds our immune system and can even contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “If sleep is cut short, the body doesn’t have time to complete all of the phases needed for muscle repair, memory consolidation and release of hormones regulating growth and appetite.”Furthermore, it seems that the disruption of sleep affects stress hormones and neurotransmitters, interrupting one’s ability to think, process information, and regulate their emotions. It is because of this mechanism of sleep that, according to Harvard Medical School, “insomnia may amplify the effects of psychiatric disorders, and vice versa.”Harvard Medical School reports that while 10-18% of American adults overall are affected by chronic sleep issues, anywhere from 50-80% of patients in an average psychiatric practice are plagued with these problems.
The Sleep-Mental Health Connection
It has traditionally been the assumption that insomnia and other sleep problems were simply symptoms of the psychiatric issues that these patients with sleep issues were already being treated for.

“The medical profession is becoming more aware of the correlation between sleep and emotional disorders,” said William Kohler, M.D., Medical Director of the Florida Sleep Institute, in an interview with dailyRx. Some research has now shown that sleep issues might increase the likelihood of mental health problems. Harvard Medical school reports that it might even be the case that sleep problems “might even directly contribute to the development of some psychiatric disorders.”
For more information on how sleep apnea can affect your health, and to learn whether an oral appliance may help you manage your sleep apnea, visit our website.

Monday, September 17, 2012

5 Tips for Choosing A Dentist

There are many dentists to choose from, and it can be overwhelming to try and find an experienced, professional dentist by looking through the phone book or browsing the Internet. Here are 5 tips as you search for a new dental home.
  • What are the range of services provided?  If you are looking at a general dentist, are they experienced in specialty services such as cosmetic dentistry, sedation or sleep dentistry, and all areas of restorative care? Be sure to review credentials and experience prior to your initial visit.

  • Are new technologies embraced? Dentistry is an ever changing field, and many advances have been made over the last few decades. Digital radiographs (x-rays), the use of lasers in periodontal care, digitally enhanced placement of crowns (CEREC) and other technologies can help make your experience quick and comfortable.

  • How easy is it to interact with the administrative staff? The front office staff will be your primary contact with the doctors and their dental team, so be sure they offer superior customer service.

  • What are your scheduling options? Are you able to request appointments online and is the scheduling process efficient and respecting of your time?

  • What amenities are offered? Many dental offices are beginning to offer more in the way of comfortable surroundings, including televisions, wireless internet, a water or coffee bar, and some offices even offer spa treatments during your dental service.
At Cooley Smiles, we are proud to offer our patients in Bellevue and Factoria a complete range of dental services. For over 35 years, our family owned and operated office has been providing superior quality general and cosmetic dentistry procedures. We use state of the art dental technology to make your visit quick and pain free, and we can assist you in achieving a smile that is healthy and beautiful.

For more information about Dr. Aaron and Dr. Brandon Cooley, please visit our website at

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Death?

At Cooley Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we take a strong interest in the health of our patients that goes beyond oral care. One of the most common sleep disorders is sleep apnea. Some of the most common symptoms of this sleep related breathing disorder are fatigue, morning headache, weight gain, long neck circumference, bruxing, and snoring. For more information on sleep apnea and how it relates to dentistry, visit our website.

Millions of Americans suffer from what’s called maintenance insomnia, which leads them to wake frequently throughout the night. While this problem can be caused by a variety of factors, it’s sometimes stems from an underlying sleep disorder, such as OSA. While many consider this condition to be nothing but a troubling nuisance, more and more studies are suggesting that sleep apnea can cause death both directly and indirectly.

Sudden Death

OSA gained a lot of attention back in 2004, when Hall of Fame NFL football player, Reggie White died suddenly in his sleep at age 43. Although medical examiners ultimately attributed his death to cardiac and pulmonary sarcoidosis, they speculated that sleep apnea might have been partly to blame. Although rare, experts agree that it is possible for a sleep apneic to die in his or her sleep due to a lack of oxygen.

Long-term Health Risks

More and more studies suggest that OSA could ultimately kill sufferers by gradually damaging their health. This dangerous sleep disorder has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and dementia, all of which can affect mortality. Furthermore, a recent study suggests that sleep apneics are at a five times greater risk of developing cancer than those who do not suffer from the disorder.
By: Paul A. Achoa on July 4, 2012 - 1 800 Sleeptest Patient Newsletter
For more information about this article, please visit

Monday, August 20, 2012

Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry has long been considered a luxury for the wealthy, something only movie stars and entertainers can afford. At Cooley Smiles, we strongly believe that everyone deserves to have the smile of their dreams. In order to make this possible, we offer a variety of financing options to accommodate your needs.

We accept all major dental insurance carriers, and many of our family dentistry patients find that this helps keep the cost of their visits within their budget. However, most insurance plans will not cover cosmetic dentistry procedures. Therefore, we offer several other options so that you can receive the finest quality cosmetic treatments available.

Depending on your individual needs, we can help you apply for one of our two financing options. We will work with you from the time of diagnosis to treatment to ensure your comfort.

Please contact our Bellevue cosmetic dentists today to schedule your initial consultation at Cooley Smiles. Dr. Aaron Cooley and Dr. Brandon Cooley serve patients in and around Bellevue, WA.

Find us on Facebook!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Security in Your Smile

In your every interaction, your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. Business meetings, casual conversations, and intimate encounters can all be made awkward and uncomfortable if you are not entirely secure with your smile. Aaron Cooley DDS and Brandon Cooley DDS offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry services to help improve your smile including:
  • Teeth whitening
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Tooth bonding
  • Gum recontouring
  • Smile makeovers
We are able to treat any cosmetic imperfection you may have, giving you a seamless, brilliant, remarkable smile.

Our cosmetic dentistry services at Cooley Smiles often extend beyond the aesthetic to provide superior functionality as well. Procedures such as dental bridges and dental implants serve the dual purpose of restoring beauty to your smile while also providing strength and durability to your teeth, enabling actions such as eating and talking to be carried out smoothly. Our Bellevue cosmetic dentists have extensive training in the field of cosmetic dentistry, allowing us to ensure your results are not only stunning, but also improve the overall health of your smile.

For more information about cosmetic dentistry services in and around Bellevue, WA, please contact us today at (425) 749 - 3642.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Take Years Off Your Appearance

A beautiful smile can have a tremendous impact on every aspect of your life. As one of your most prominent facial features, a dazzling, white smile can take years off of your appearance. It can also provide you with a boost in confidence that carries over into interactions with friends, family members, and professional colleagues, helping you make meaningful first impressions that will last well beyond this initial encounter.

The Bellevue cosmetic dentists at Cooley Smiles offer a variety of options to help you achieve your smile makeover. Depending on your unique facial features and aesthetic needs, Dr. Aaron Cooley and Dr. Brandon Cooley may recommend a combination of several procedures to help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Dr. Aaron and Dr. Brandon approach every smile makeover from the perspective of an artist in order to achieve highly aesthetic results that enhance your overall facial appearance. They blend this artistry with a finely honed skill set cultivated through years of extensive training to ensure that your results are highly functional as well.

This dual emphasis on function and aesthetics provides you with the “best of both worlds.” Your smile makeover will achieve a beautiful cosmetic outcome that will also help preserve your oral health for years to come.

To learn more about the cosmetic options you'll find at Cooley Smiles in Bellevue, WA, call us at 425-747-7000 or visit us at

Friday, July 13, 2012

Family Dentistry

Welcome to CooleySmiles. We have been providing exceptional cosmetic and Family Dentistry in Bellevue, Factoria and Issaquah, Washington areas for more than 35 years.

CooleySmiles is family-run practice in every way. Bellevue dentists  Dr. Aaron Cooley and Dr. Brandon Cooley joined their father's practice, which was founded more than 35 years ago. Their father has since retired, passing the torch to his two sons. Dr. Aaron and Dr. Brandon both grew up in the Bellevue area and they remain contributing members of the community to this day.

We invite you to learn more about CooleySmiles and the family dentistry that we provide at