Sunday, September 16, 2012

Can Sleep Apnea Cause Death?

At Cooley Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we take a strong interest in the health of our patients that goes beyond oral care. One of the most common sleep disorders is sleep apnea. Some of the most common symptoms of this sleep related breathing disorder are fatigue, morning headache, weight gain, long neck circumference, bruxing, and snoring. For more information on sleep apnea and how it relates to dentistry, visit our website.

Millions of Americans suffer from what’s called maintenance insomnia, which leads them to wake frequently throughout the night. While this problem can be caused by a variety of factors, it’s sometimes stems from an underlying sleep disorder, such as OSA. While many consider this condition to be nothing but a troubling nuisance, more and more studies are suggesting that sleep apnea can cause death both directly and indirectly.

Sudden Death

OSA gained a lot of attention back in 2004, when Hall of Fame NFL football player, Reggie White died suddenly in his sleep at age 43. Although medical examiners ultimately attributed his death to cardiac and pulmonary sarcoidosis, they speculated that sleep apnea might have been partly to blame. Although rare, experts agree that it is possible for a sleep apneic to die in his or her sleep due to a lack of oxygen.

Long-term Health Risks

More and more studies suggest that OSA could ultimately kill sufferers by gradually damaging their health. This dangerous sleep disorder has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and dementia, all of which can affect mortality. Furthermore, a recent study suggests that sleep apneics are at a five times greater risk of developing cancer than those who do not suffer from the disorder.
By: Paul A. Achoa on July 4, 2012 - 1 800 Sleeptest Patient Newsletter
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